It is your time to show your prowess at being a good hostess. That is why you must do everything within your means, whether meager or plentiful, to give the best party ever to your friends.
Make your party a hit! Here are some ideas you could use:
- - Make a list of all the people you want to invite. Send the invitations and have them confirm their attendance ahead of time. Expect more or less 70% of those people to come!
- - Visualize the setting. Determine where you will put the tables, the food, the music, etc. For example, if you plan to have a buffet, it would be better to properly strategize the location of the table for the food. It will be a poor decision to make your guests go to the kitchen to get their food. The furniture, too, should not get in the way.
- - Plan to prepare more than enough food. It is better to have leftovers than leave your guests resorting to raiding your refrigerator when you run out of food.
- - The kind of food you will serve will also depend on the theme of the party. If it is a cocktail party, there should be more drinks and finger foods would do fine. If it is a dinner party, you should serve the best recipes you have.
- - It would be good also to have a selection of drinks for your guests. Provide both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks to cater to all your guests. Hire a bartender.
- - Set up decorations that are appropriate to the occasion and to your theme. These ornaments should set the mood of the event. Thus they should not be too distracting or too loud. Be tasteful in selecting the color, shapes and materials.
- - Do not forget the music. It will be the life of your party. Plan on your audio system ahead of time. Choose also the proper songs. They should generally be gay and lively.
- - Have a program if the occasion would allow. Determine how long the event would last and choose the right activities for the event. For example children’s parties should have games but cocktail parties should not!
- - You should also consider your budget in every aspect. Make sure you do not go beyond it. Have a to-do list to keep track of what you need.