Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is upset with the media for having written stories about her while not many tried to contact her or her spokesperson. She will soon be releasing a statement not just on her pregnancy but on other issues as well, including what happened to her and the film Heroine. She will also shed some light on the communication that took place with film director Madhur Bhandarkar and the producer of UTV. Rai is happy with her Khakee director Rajkumar Santoshi for saying he would not make his film without her and would wait for her to be back in shape after the baby comes.We reckon Ash will be shooting for his film Ladies And Gentlemen first & not Heroine, since, she is not too happy with the makers of Heroine for leaking out information that was privy only to them.
Sara Khan's nana breathes his last
Ram Milaayi Jodi actress Sara Khan's maternal grandfather wasn't keeping well for a while and recently breathed his last, leaving Sara numb and cold.
A source tells us, "Sara's nana stayed in Bhopal and wasn't keeping well for a while now. He was suffering from a lung disorder and doctors had hinted that he will pass away soon. As soon as Sara got this information she rushed to Bhopal to meet him. It was unfortunate that he passed away on Sunday night. She has suffered a great loss as she was really close to him. She is disheartened and trying to cope with the loss."
We tried getting in touch with Sara Khan but she remained unavailable.