In the case of the murder of businessman Arun tikku Mumbai police stock analyst Gautam Vora on Monday also arrested on the murder case of the victory sajishkarta. Gautam palande sheltering the. Gautam earlier model in the case of the terminally vivek babaji. vivek Gautam of the headlines from the close relationship to the vivek Gautam. committed suicide at the instigation of.
The many murders of that model and actress in palande Simran Sood were also keeping close of Gautam. due to the proximity of Simran from Gautam grow heart was broken and vivek June, 2010 at bandra's Pali Hill committed suicide at his home with hanging. inquiries in the close relationships with Gautam palande Simran police information.
Palande, admit to your wedding with Simran and admitted that despite the close victory of Gautam Simran your connection down he. police say the victory with the help of Simran rich people in phansata and had them with their property on the whereabouts.
Palande, admit to your wedding with Simran and admitted that despite the close victory of Gautam Simran your connection down he. police say the victory with the help of Simran rich people in phansata and had them with their property on the whereabouts.